Contact Us

    Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.

    APM House, 18 Raoul Wallenberg St.,
    Building D, 6th floor, Ramat Hachayal,
    Tel Aviv, 6971915, Israel

    101 Hebron Road
    Beit Hanatziv, Building B, 3rd Floor


    T. +972-3-5689000
    F. +972-3-5689001
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    Our Services

    Personal and Family Wealth Management

    News and Updates

    Who we represent

    Our department provides high-net-worth (HNW) clients, both individuals and families, with tailored solutions to their needs and objectives in Israel and abroad. We advise a variety of Israeli clients, foreign residents, and bodies and trusts on managing personal and family assets and wealth, and for philanthropic needs.

    What we do

    We assist with:

    • International tax planning.
    • Tax agreements with the Israeli Tax Authority and tax
    • Protection of multinational assets.
    • Reducing risks and increasing the yield of assets and estates.
    • Setting up and managing trusts and foreign companies.
    • Property acquisitions and holding adjustments.
    • Family wealth, trust and estate planning and management.
    • Strategic planning, including taxation, gifts, and philanthropic donations.

    Why choose us?

    Specialist expertise and insight. Thanks to our creativity, extensive contacts with professionals in the field and multidisciplinary knowledge, the department’s lawyers build effective solutions for their clients’ wealth management, with an emphasis on personal attention and a high standard of service.

    An integrated team to enable complete security. We take a holistic approach to successfully bring clients’ projects to fruition. Our wealth management department works in with other departments to take care of complex planning issues, including tax, and provide cutting-edge advice.

    Our cross-cultural business experience. Our strength is our track record of success, which has provided our team with a deep understanding of business and legal cultures internationally. Our department has close relationships with foreign and offshore entities and jurisdictions, permitting clients access to immediate and efficient advice globally.

    Leading Partner

    Amir Goldman

    T: +972-73-3296062