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    Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.

    APM House, 18 Raoul Wallenberg St.,
    Building D, 6th floor, Ramat Hachayal,
    Tel Aviv, 6971915, Israel

    101 Hebron Road
    Beit Hanatziv, Building B, 3rd Floor


    T. +972-3-5689000
    F. +972-3-5689001
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    Media Center / News

    Globes | Israeli tax lawyer Doron Levy: “Countries are increasingly focused on preventing tax evasion”

    May 5, 2024

    Adv. Doron Levy, Senior Partner and Head of the Tax and Class Action Practices in our office, offers valuable insights into the intricate aspects of expatriation tax, emphasizing the significance of meticulous planning and seeking professional guidance for individuals contemplating relocation overseas.

    Click here to read more.