Contact Us

    Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.

    APM House, 18 Raoul Wallenberg St.,
    Building D, 6th floor, Ramat Hachayal,
    Tel Aviv, 6971915, Israel

    101 Hebron Road
    Beit Hanatziv, Building B, 3rd Floor


    T. +972-3-5689000
    F. +972-3-5689001
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    Our Services

    Municipal Taxes

    News and Updates

    Who we represent

    Our municipal taxes department advises some of the largest taxpayers in Israel, including:

    • Marketing chains that manage hundreds of branches.
    • Hi-tech companies.
    • Service companies.
    • Software houses.
    • Editing and film studios.
    • Real estate management companies, importers and commercial companies.

    What we do

    Our municipal tax team examines the obligations and powers of relevant tax authorities to ensure they behave equitably, reasonably, and consistently toward all, without external considerations. The department has acquired extensive experience from representing hundreds of businesses, advising taxpayers vis-a-vis local authorities across the country and in all legal frameworks, including:

    • Representation before rates appellate committees, courts, administrative courts and the high court.
    • Representation in all types of litigation relating to municipal taxes, including challenges and appellate proceedings pertaining to current charges, claims for retroactive restitution, and administrative petitions against administrative collection proceedings.
    • Strategizing the reduction of mandatory municipal charges, including development fees, betterment surcharges, construction fees and others.

    Some of the cases that we have managed have set precedents in the case law, for example our work relating to taxing cinematography and television editing studios, taxing offices of performance companies at building sites and taxing theatres.

    Leading Partner

    Ehud Rinat

    T: +972-3-5689000